Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Misty, overcast morn

The new sheep pasture should be planted today (many thanks to Cory). Cory also suggested we rent a DR brush mower for the tall weeds where it's too rough to mow with the tractor. Maybe renting it monthly through the fall and next summer would help us control the teasel and thistle. I would still like to have a scythe. The weedeater is dead to me, although Ken still wields it when he has the patience.

:) Two new black English Leicester ewes are coming tomorrow!!

:( We need a new septic system. The Ancient One has ceased to function. Fortunately, as of Saturday, only two humans will reside at Seven Sis, so we should be able to limp along until a new one can be put in. The idea of a cesspool in the pine trees as an emergency measure does not appeal, although I could go for an outhouse.

I can hear and see many birds from my aerie this morning--the air is absolutely still and their calls echo and float in the mist and haze. I saw a downy woodpecker on the feeder today, so I chose downy and hairy as my "two."

Pears! I need to wash and determine where to store three bushels of pears, which I picked on Sunday. Alternatively, I could sell them at the market along with wool yarn, roving, and some peppers. My produce, however, is neither pretty nor uninhabited by insect life.

Today's taxonomy lesson is courtesy of Cornell Ornithology Lab, Birds of America Online

Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens

Hairy Woodpecker Picoides villosus

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